Overview of This Lesson

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So far you've learned how to display dyanmic data on HTML template pages using Thymeleaf. You can have a lot more flexibility and control over what data is displayed and how it is displayed by using logical structures such as if statements and loops. Thymeleaf has several attributes that allow you to display data and elements based on certain critera, and also to repeat parts of a template, such as the rows of a table. In this lesson you'll learn about some attributes that allow you to perform selections and a very versatile attribute you can use for looping.


Before doing this lesson, it's important that you've completed the Thymeleaf Introduction and Thymeleaf Syntax lessons.

Helpful Resources


You can use Thymeleaf attributes to make boolean decisions and display values or even entire elements based on the results of those decisions. The attributes th:if, th:unless, and th:switch work similar standard programming selection structures.


The th:if="" attribute will display the element it belongs to, but only if the expression inside the quotes is true. For example:

<a href="calculate.html" th:href="@{/tools/calcTip}" 
    th:if="${billAmt gt 0}">Calculate Tip</a>

In this code, if the value of the variable/attribute "billAmt" is greater than 0, then the link is rendered in the HTML. Otherwise, the link is not rendered.

Note that th:href is used to map to a URL. Note also that we've included the fallback href.

th:if="" attribute can evaluate any valid boolean condition/expression. Note also that:


The th:unless="" attribute does the exact opposite of th:if="": the element does render if the expression evaluates as false. For example:

<a href="calculate.html" th:href="@{/tools/calcTip}" 
    th:unless="${billAmt le 0}">Calculate Tip</a>

In this example, the anchor element is rendered UNLESS the billAmt value is 0 or less.

th:switch (and th:case)

The th:switch="" and th:case="" attributes can be used just like a Java switch-statement:

<div th:switch="${user.role}">
  <p th:case="admin">User is an Administrator</p>
  <p th:case="manager">User is a Manager</p>
  <p th:case="guest">This is a Guest User</p>
  <p th:case="*">This is some other User</p>

As soon as the true case is found, the rest of the cases are ignored (the structure exits). To add a default clause use wildcard case as the case value, as shown in the example.

When a case is true, the element is rendered, and none of the other elements: only the true element is rendered on the page.


1. Add a form to your current project on a new HTML page called inventory.html. Add input fields for the inventory id, inventory item name, and quantity. If you're stuck for time, you can use this form. Form submission should be mapped to a handler method in your controller.

The form's handler method should receive the three parameters and use them to construct an inventory object. Store the inventory object in the model. The handler method should also load an output page called "invOutput.html".

Add an output page called "invOutput.html". Add code to this page to display a message "You need to order more [item name]!" if the quantity of the inventory item is 0 or less. (replace "[item name]" with the actual inventory item name. For example, if the inventory item name was "Kibble for Cat, Tuna Flavour", your page would display:

You need to order more Kibble for Cat, Tuna Flavour!

Regardless of the quantity value, the page should display the inventory item id, name, and quantity.

2. Add the latest version of your Book bean to the project. In your controller, construct a new instance of the Book bean and add some values for isbn, title, author, price, and genre. On your output page, display the genre name according to the following chart:

Quantity Message
1 Arts
2 Biography
3 History
4 Media
5 Psychology
6 Sociology
7 Technology
any other number Undefined


You can use Thymeleaf to iterate through a collection of objects or values. Iteration is easy using the th:each attribute.

The syntax of the th:each attribute is th:each="item : array" where array is any array, List, or other class that implements java.util.Iterable or java.util.Enumeration (anything not one of those things is treated like a List that has exactly one element). item contains the current element or object for the current iteration. The item is only visible inside the element in which it's used (so it's local to the element and any elements nested inside). It's basically exactly like a Java for-each loop.

<div th:each="inv : ${inventoryList}" 
    th:text="|${inv.itemName}: ${inv.quantity}|">item and quantity</div>

The code above will iterate through a collection called "inventoryList", where the inventory object in each iteration is referenced by the variable "inv". A DIV element for each inventory object in the list is created, displaying the item name and quantity. So one DIV will be rendered for each inventory object in the inventoryList.

There's also a loop status variable you can use if you want the current iteration's count or index: th:each="item,status : array" adds a variable status that has the following properties:

<h4>Current Inventory</h4>
  <li th:each="inv,stat : ${inventoryList}" th:text="|${stat.count} ${inv.itemName}|" 
      th:class="${stat.odd} ? 'highlight'">inventory item</li>

In the code above, we are iterating through inventoryList. Each object in an iteration is referenced by the variable "inv" and the status variable is called "stat". We are displaying an unordered list with a list item for each inventory object in the inventoryList. Each list item's text is the 1-based index followed by the inventory item name. Also, each odd list item's CSS class is set to "highlight".


Add a handler method to your controller that creates a List<Book> object and adds several books to it. You can use the Lombok version of your Book bean, and perhaps it will be easier if you add an all-args constructor to it, if you haven't already.

Add an output page where you display the entire list of books in an HTML table with columns for each Book data member.

TIP: Create your table element and the row of heading elements with the column headings. Then create the row element with your th:each attribute. Inside the row, you can use th:text for each table-data element.


1. Create a new project and add the Container class to an appropriate package.

Create a form that allows a user to enter the name and volume of a container.

Style your form as follows with an external stylesheet:

form with inputs for id, name, volume
New Container Form

Create a handler method that takes the form inputs and uses them to construct a new Container object.

Create an output page that receives the Container object and displays it on the screen along with the department that should receive the container. The department is determined by the volume of the container:

output for container with volume 10 (books)
Output Example 1

output for container big crate with volume 1200 (furniture)
Output Example 2

Style your output page in a manner consistent with your form, using an external stylesheet.

2. Create a form that allows a user to generate a list of random numbers between a minimum and maximum value. There should be an input field for the minimum value, a field for the maximum value, and a field for the number of values the user wants to generate.

input form with fields for min value, max value, number of values
Generate Random Numbers form

Create a handler method for your form that retrieves the 3 user inputs, creates an integer array, and then generates random numbers between the minimum and maximum to populate the array. The user must specify a minimum and a maximum, but if they don't specify how many values, use 50 as the default.

On the output page, display the random numbers in a monospaced font (font-family: monospace) with a space between each number.

several random numbers on the page
Output Example for Random Numbers

Style both your form and output page using an external stylesheet.

3. Modify the adoption program from an earlier lesson:

adoption form
The Adoption Form

In your adoption handler method, remove the HttpServletRequest parameter and replace it with a Model parameter. Change the method's return type to String.

Remove the code that sends the output to the response body.

After constructing the animal object and adding it to the list of pets, store the list in the model so it can be accessed on an output page ("adopt.html"). Also, store the adopter name in the model so it can be accessed on the output page. Make sure your handler returns the adoption output page, also.

Add the "adopt.html" page to your project. Display a heading that says either "Foo's Pets" (where "Foo" is actually the adopter's name) or the fallback text of "Your Pets". Under the heading, display the client's pets in an HTML table with the layout shown below.

adoption output with one pet
Output Example 1

adoption output with three pets
Output Example 2

Below the table, include a link to "/" so the user can quickly click the link to do another adoption for the same client.

Add a link to both the main form page and the adoption output page that maps to a handler method that resets everything for a new client: The method should reset the pet parent list (there are a few different ways to do this, choose one that's efficient) and then load the main adoption form again.

Format your form and your output page in a professional and consistent manner using an external stylesheet.