Fundamentals of CSS Styling

Using CSS

Lesson Overview

In the previous lesson on CSS Syntax you learned the basics of CSS and how it works, but the real power of CSS comes in the "cascading" part of CSS. Learning how to use CSS and use the cascade to your advantage allows to create modular, reusable, and efficient CSS code that can be used on many projects.


Make sure that you've worked through the previous tutorial, CSS Syntax before proceeding through this lesson.

Using CSS

Once you have learned the basics of how to code CSS, how do you actually use it in a real web project? There are three ways you can implement CSS into your web pages:

External Stylesheets

External stylesheets are the most common way to use CSS. Using this technique, the CSS code is stored in one or more .css files (usually in a /css directory off the web root). A <link> element is used to link the stylesheet to the web document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">

Note that several years ago it was considered important to include the type="text/css" attribute, but this is no longer required. But you might still encounter it in older examples:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">

Advantages of External Stylesheets:

External stylesheets allow you to apply consistent styles to multiple documents. You can define all of your styles in one .css file and link that file to every page on your web site. When a change in the styles need to be made, all the developer needs to do is change the stylesheet code, and all of the pages are updated automatically.

Historically, we used to keep the styling information inside the HTML page along with the page content. This was cumbersome: when you wanted to change the colour scheme, for example, you had to edit the colour information coded into every page in the web site. When a site has several pages, this was cumbersome. External stylesheets eliminate this problem, making web development more productive.

Internal Stylesheets

Internal Stylesheets can be used when you want to change the styles for just one specific page on the web site. Internal stylesheets are coded inside a <style></style> element in the HEAD section of your document:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>A Web Page</title>
    <!-- the external stylesheet for this page -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">

    <!-- these styles override anything defined in the external stylesheet -->
      h1 {
        color: navy;
        font-size: 1.7em;
        font-weight: bold;


    <h1>A Web Page</h1>


In the example above, we've defined a style for the web page that makes level-1 headings navy coloured, a font size that's 1.7 times the page's default font size, and bold. This style applies to all level-1 headings in this document, but ONLY in this document. It won't affect level-1 headings in other web pages in the same directory/project. If there is a styling rule for level-1 headings in the external stylesheet, those rules will be overridden by the one defined in the <style> element of this document's HEAD section. **see notes on The Cascade below

Advantages of Internal Stylesheets

Internal stylesheets allow you to override the styles defined in an external stylesheet for a specific page.

Disadvantages of Internal Stylesheets

Internal stylesheets require more work to update, especially if you are using internal styles in several different documents: you have to update every document's internal styles as needed. Also, internal styles only apply to the web document in which they're defined. If you want to use the same styles in other documents, you should remove the styles and put them in an external stylesheet to avoid cumbersome updates.

Inline Styles

Inline Styles are styles that are defined in the HTML content of the page, right in the elements you want to style. To add an inline style, you use the style="" attribute of the element you wish to style:

<section style="margin: 3px">
  <h3 style="color: navy; font-size: 1.2em;">Inline Styling</h3>
  <p style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">This is a paragraph that is red and bold.</p>
  <p>This is a plain paragraph.</p>

In the above example, the style attribute defines the styling properties to set for each of the elements: The <section> element is styled with a 3 pixel margin; the level-3 heading is styled with navy colour and a font size 1.2 times the page's default font size; the paragraph is styled with bold, red text. The styling only applies to those elements - only the section defined with the style attribute will have a 3 pixel margin, and only the paragraph with the style attribute will have bold, red text. The second paragraph has no styling, so it will have no special styling applied to it, except for any that's defined internally or in an external stylesheet.

Inline styles override any other styles: they override any internal styles and any external styles.

Advantages of Inline Styles

They allow you to style one specific element on the page, overriding any internal or external styles that may have been defined.

Disadvantages of Inline Styles

This makes styling part of the content of the page, which violates the whole reason we use CSS in the first place. When styles need to be changed, you'll need to search for all of the style="" attributes in the document and update each one manually. For these reasons, we avoid using inline styles; we only use them when it's absolutely necessary.


In HTML, an element is often nested inside another element. Recall from our lesson on the DOM that the nested element is called the child and the containing element is called the parent. In CSS, a child element inherits the properties of its parent/container. For example:

div {
  color: green;
<div>This is a DIV with some text.
  <p>This paragraph inherits the green colour from the parent DIV.</p>

If you try this code, you'll see that all of the text is green: the child paragraph inherits the CSS colour property set for the parent DIV.

CodePen: Inheritance

(Inheritance CodePen, opens in a new tab/window)

This is important: you will often have several nested elements, and you need to remember that nested elements will inherit the CSS properties of the parent elements. This will become especially important when you start getting into relative measurements, as you'll see below!

The Cascade and Specificity

CSS allows you to define multiple styles for elements. When an element has multiple styles assigned to it, it will always appear with the styling that has the highest specificity, or priority. This is referred to as the cascade.

Specificity can be defined as the policy that helps us figure out what styles should be applied to an element, when there are multiple rules that assign different values to the same property. When 2 or more rules apply to a specific element, specificity determines which declarations will be applied to that element.

For example, you might have an element defined in your HTML as <nav class="menu"></nav>. If your CSS has the following rule-set:

nav {
  border: .1em solid green;
.menu {
  border: .2em dashed blue;

Specificity will determine which border is applied to the <nav> element.

Specificity Score

Specificity can be calculated as a score, where rules with a higher score will override rules with a lower score:

For example, you can calculate the specificity of the following selectors as:

  1. div#errors = 1 (element selector div) + 100 (id selector #errors) = 101
  2. div.errors = 1 (element selector div) + 10 (class selector .errors) = 11

The selector with the highest specificity score will override rules. This means if you have an element that fits into two different rules, the rule with the highest specificity score is applied.

In our <nav> example, we would calculate the specificity scores as follows:

Using the class selector .menu has a higher specificity score, therefore the <nav> element's border will be .2em dashed blue.

Another example: say you have the following style rules defined in an external CSS file:

div {
  background-color: lightgrey;
  margin: .5em;
  padding: .4em .7em;
div.highlight {
  background-color: yellow;

If you have a DIV element defined as:

<div class="highlight">...</div>

Both CSS rules will be applied. The DIV will have the margin that is .5 of the base font size and the padding that is .4 of the base font size on top/bottom and .7 of the font size on the sides. But what will the background colour be?

The specificity score for the first div rule is 1 (just an element selector) and the score for the second div rule is 11 (element selector + class selector = 1 + 10 = 11). Therefore, since the second rule has a higher score, it has higher priority and the DIV's background will be yellow.

CodePen: Specificity Example 1

(Specificity Example 1 CodePen)

Note that even though the div.highlight rule overrides the div rule, the margin and padding declarations in the div rule still applies to the <div class="highlight"> element: Any styles that are are already set are not deleted when one rule overrides another! The second and subsequent rules "add to" the existing styles. The only styles that might change are those that have declarations for the same property in more than one rule (such as background-color, in our example).

This cascade behaviour also means that if you style an element in an external or internal stylesheet, you can override those styles with an in-line style. For example:

CodePen: Specificity Example 2

(Specificity Example 2 Codepen)

In the above CodePen, the last paragraph has a purple background, overriding the green background defined in the external/internal stylesheet, because in-line styles yield a higher specificity score.

(In Codepen, we use the CSS tab: to do this on your own computer, try copying the contents of the CSS tab into an external stylesheet, or as internal styles in the <style> element in the <head>)

Furthermore, what if you have mutliple stylesheets, and/or internal styles defined in the HEAD section, and inline styles? Which has the higher specificity?

Priority, from highest to lowest:

  1. Inline styles
  2. Internal styles defined after an external stylesheet
  3. External styles
  4. Internal styles defined before an external stylesheet
  5. Browser's built-in styles (user agent stylesheet)

For multiple external stylesheets, the one defined the latest has the higher specificity. The same is true of selectors used in the same file (or STYLE tag, or whatever). For example:

CodePen: Specificity Example 3

(Specificity Example 3 CodePen)

In this CodePen, the first rule styles H1 elements to have purple text. The second rule styles all H1 and H2 elements to have green text, and a bottom border. The third rule defines H1 elements to have "initial" colour text (the default colour).

Here, the second rule that styles both H1 and H2 elements overrides the first "h1" style rule. The third rule that styles H2 elements overrides the second rule that styles both H1 and H2. This kind of behaviour can actually help you make better CSS rules: if you have a lot of styling to apply to several elements, you can put them all in one rule (just as we styled both H1 and H2 elements with a few different things). Then you can "turn off" or change a few properties here and there with additional rules (as we did with the third rule, changing the H2 element's colour back to the default). For example, we can take the following CSS:

header {
  background-colour: lightgreen;
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgreen;
  color: darkgreen;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px
footer {
  background-colour: lightgreen;
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgreen;
  color: darkgreen;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px;
aside {  /* same stuff, has no background colour */
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgreen;
  color: darkgreen;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px;

And rewrite it in a way that's easier to maintain, more efficient, and easier to read:

header, footer, aside {
  background-colour: lightgreen;
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgreen;
  color: darkgreen;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px
aside {  
  background-color: white;

Or you could write this as:

header, footer, aside {
  border-bottom: 1px solid darkgreen;
  color: darkgreen;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px
footer, header {
  background-colour: lightgreen;

Internal vs External Cascade

Internal and External styles override depending on which one is defined first:

<!doctype html>
    <title>A Web Page</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">

    <!-- these styles have the lowest priority -->
      h1 {
        color: orange;
        font-size: 1.7em;
        font-weight: bold;

    <!-- the external stylesheet for this page overrides the styles defined up above-->
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main.css">

    <!-- these styles override anything defined up above -->
      h1 {
        color: navy;
    <h1>A Web Page</h1>


It's also important to note that only properties defined more than once will be overridden. In the example above, the first internal <style> element defines level-1 headings as being orange with text that's bold and 1.7 times the page's default font size. The second internal <style> element changes the heading's colour to navy, however it will still be bold and 1.7 times the font size.

Specificity is part of the cascade: The various styling rules you define in different ways all cascade into a single virtual stylesheet that is applied to the page.

Virtual Stylesheets

When a document is loaded, all of the CSS rules are processed and their specificity is determined. Then a virtual stylesheet is created after computing all of the styles for each element on the page. This virtual stylesheet contains the final version of all of the styling. In the previous example, the virtual stylesheet would indicate that level-1 headings are navy, bold, and have a font size of 1.7em.

You can view the virtual styling information for a web page in Chrome when you Inspect an element on the page (right-click the page element and select Inspect, or use Ctrl-Shift-I). You might have to adjust the height/width of the various parts of the window, but you should be able to see the styles that you've assigned. You can check/uncheck various style properties on the right side to see the effect.

inspecting the styles applied to an element
The right side of the window shows you the various styles applied to the element and where they came from (e.g. an external stylesheet, the browser, etc.)

If you click on the "Computed" tab in the styles part of the window, you can see a list of all the style properties in the virtual stylesheet, as they have been computed by the browser.

viewing the computed styles in the virtual stylesheet
The COMPUTED tab shows you a list of all the styles that have been computed by the browser: this is your page's virtual stylesheet.


It's also important to make sure you write the most efficient styling rules possible. In addition to specificity, you must also consider efficiency. For example, what if you have multiple <nav> elements on a page ( e.g. one in the header that's a menu, one in the footer with help/contact links, and one in each article that contains internal links to other regions of the page) - is it better to assign an id="" to each <nav> element or use combinators or other types of selectors to style your navigation elements?

What if you want the header and footer navigation styled the same, and the article navigation styled differently?

<!-- Should you use this? -->
  <nav id="hdr-nav">...</nav>
  <nav id="ftr-nav">...</nav>

  <nav class="menu">...</nav>
  <nav class="menu">...</nav>
/* Which is more efficient? */
#hdr-nav, #ftr-nav { ... }  /* this? */ { ... } /* or this? */
header > nav, footer > nav { ... }  /* or this? */

Or what if you wanted the header navigation styled differently from the footer navigation? Are the declarations completely different or are any the same (e.g. can you combine some into a single rule?)

To answer these questions, it's important to understand how the browser parses CSS selectors.

How the Browser Parses CSS Selectors

CSS selectors are actually read from right to left, not left to right as most developers might think. The right-most part of a rule with several selectors is called the key selector. For example, if a rule is defined with a selector such as

div.highlight a { ... }

The key selector is the a selector. When the browser reads this rule's selector, the first thing it does is go through your whole document and pick out all of the elements that match the key selector (in our example, it will pick out all of the <a> elements in the document).

Next, the browser will look for the selector to the left of the key selector: in our example, it's the class "highlight". Now it picks out all the <a> elements it found that are descendants of a container with class="highlight". Lastly, it filters out only those <a> elements in a "highlight" container where that container is a <div> element.

That's a lot of work! Clearly this shows us that a rule that has a complex selector takes a lot longer to process.

Are Some Selectors More Efficient?

In the industry, it is generally accepted (through various benchmark tests done over the years) that some selector types are more efficient than others. The list below, from most efficient to least efficient, is the one developers generally follow. Note, however, that the difference between some items is very small.

  1. ID selector
  2. Class selector
  3. Element/type selector
  4. Adjacent sibling selector (there doesn't seem to be any information about the General sibling selector; you'll learn about these in the lesson on Combinators and Psuedo Classes/Elements)
  5. Child selector (you'll learn about these in the lesson on Combinators and Psuedo Classes/Elements)
  6. Descendant selector (you'll learn more about these in the lesson on Combinators and Psuedo Classes/Elements
  7. Universal selector (the * symbol, which means "all elements")
  8. Attribute selector
  9. Pseudo classes and Pseudo elements (you'll learn about these in the lesson on Combinators and Psuedo Classes/Elements)

So then, now we can answer our question from earlier:

/* Which is more efficient? */
#hdr-nav, #ftr-nav { ... }  /* this? */ { ... } /* or this? */
header > nav, footer > nav { ... }  /* or this? */

The first rule has 2 selectors that use IDs, so this rule would be very efficient.

The second rule has one single selector that uses an element selector with a class selector. There is a very small difference between the efficiency of the ID selectors vs. class and type selectors. But the first rule has 2 selectors, the second rule has only one selector. So which is better? The difference would be very slight; you would have to run benchmark tests to determine if the difference was significant. In this situation, you would choose the option that produces HTML/CSS that is more readable and easier to maintain. It is generally harder to manage HTML and CSS that uses ID selectors, so we would prefer using the single element/class selector.

The third example uses combinators for two selectors (the > symbol is the child combinator: these selectors will select any nav that's a child of a header, and any nav that's a child of a footer). Selectors that use child combinators are much less efficient than using class or id selectors. However, adding IDs or classes to elements in your HTML makes it more difficult to maintain your HTML/CSS in the future.

So you are probably getting the idea at this point that there is no black and white answer, no "do exactly this" practice for creating CSS selectors. It's a delicate balance between efficiency, functionality, specificity, readability, and maintainability. In general, we prefer to have code that is eaiser to read and maintain while having the appearance and functionality that the client wants, while trying to have the most efficient code possible. There might be more than one way to do something: and some ways might be "better" than others, where "better" might mean easier to maintain, but to others it might be "more efficient". Always be prepared to justify your decisions and choices when creating rules with complex CSS selectors.

The following resources might also be of assistance in specific situations you might encounter: