this page because I am probably still making changes
to it.
In the previous tutorial you learned how to perform INSERT queries.
In this lesson you can read those records back and display them
in an HTML page using SELECT queries.
For more advanced things you can do with SELECT queries,
see MySQL Manual: SELECT Statements.
SQL SELECT Query Syntax
A SELECT query is used to select or retrieve a set of
records from one or more tables in a database. You can
even return other information with a SELECT query,
such as the number of records that match a certain
criteria or the minimum or maximum values in a
specific column. You'll learn how to do all of these
things in a datbase class. For this lesson, we'll just
look at basic SELECT statements.
The syntax of the most basic SELECT statement is:
SELECT field1, field2, ... FROM tableName;
field1, field2, ... refers to the names of the
columns or fields you want to retrieve. For example, you
can try this in PHPMyAdmin in the SQL tab for your
Inventory table:
SELECT name, quantity FROM Inventory;
If your column or table name has a space, put the name
in quotes, e.g.
SELECT title FROM 'My Songs';
You can actually put single quotes around the names even
if there isn't a space; many developers prefer to do that.
To select all the columns, you can just use the wildcard *
symbol instead of listing all the column names:
SELECT * FROM Inventory;
Note that this statement says, "select all the columns
from the Inventory table", it's not selecting certain
records (by default, all rows/records will be returned).
If you'd like to sort your records by one or more columns,
use ORDER BY after you specify the table name. You can add
ASC or DESC to change the default sort order.
To sort by more than one column, separate them with commas.
Try these in PHPMyAdmin:
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` ORDER BY name;
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` ORDER BY quantity DESC;
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` ORDER BY quantity, price;
You can also select which set of records you'd like to view by using a
WHERE clause. The WHERE clause is accompanied by boolean expressions:
each record is evaluated using those expressions, and included in the
returns results if they evalate to true. Examples to try:
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE quantity > 7;
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE quantity > 7 ORDER BY name;
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE price < 10 AND price >= 5;
Notice that if you want to use both WHERE and ORDER BY, the WHERE goes first,
then ORDER BY.
You can also look for specific words inside a string column using the LIKE
keyword. The expression column LIKE value will search inside
each record's column to see if it contains value.
The value should be enclosed within single quotes.
For example
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE name LIKE 'cherries';
This statement will search the Inventory table for any records whose
name column contains the word "cherries". This will
look for an exact match, so it will only match "cherries" and it
will not match "cherries, basket". If your database is set to a case-insensitive
collation, then it will match any column whose name is exactly
equal to "cherries", "Cherries", or "CHERRIES".
Wildcard LIKE statements are much more powerful. When using LIKE, the
wildcard symbol on most database systems is the % (percent) symbol.
For example:
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE name LIKE 'cherries%';
will match any records who's name value starts with
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE name LIKE '%cherries';
will match any records who's name value ends with
SELECT * FROM `Inventory` WHERE name LIKE '%cherries%';
will match any records who's name value contains
Practice using SELECT queries in PHPMyAdmin, and feel free to check
the resources at the beginning of this section if you'd like to learn
more about what you can do with a SELECT statement.
Executing SELECT Queries in PHP
You can execute a SELECT query in PHP code just like
an INSERT query. The big difference is that where INSERT
queries return an integer representing the number of rows/records
inserted, a SELECT query returns an entire set of records!
This set of records is often referred to as a result
set. Note that it's possible the result set of a
SELECT query could be empty! If you executed query and
there were no matching records, then an emtpy result set
is returned. This is something we have to consider when
To start with, we use the same prepare() and execute() statement
that we're already familiar with:
if (!isset($dbConn))
$dbConn = require("connect.php");
$sql = "SELECT * FROM Inventory ORDER BY name;";
$statement = $dbConn->prepare($sql);
$result = $statement->execute();
As with the INSERT query, the $result variable contains true
if the query succeeded and false if it failed.
The records or results that have been returned by the query (if any)
can be accessed via the $statement object. Note that even
if a SELECT query returns no records, that's still a successful query.
An unsuccessful query is one that can't execute due to some problem with
the query itself or the table you're trying to query (e.g. if you use
an incorrect column name or table name in your query or the column(s) you're
trying to access don't exist).
The PDOStatement object contains a
method that retrieves a single record from the result set
as an associative array. In this associative array, the keys are the
column/field names in the table, and the values are the actual field
values for that record.
For example, if your first record in your Inventory table was:
Apples, Basket
Then executing $statement->fetch() would return an associative array
where the ["id"] value is 1, the ["title"] value is "Apples, Basket",
the ["quantity"] value is 7, and the ["price"] value is 3.5.
The fetch() method returns different kinds of things, depending on
what kind of query you executed, and depending on some optional
arguments you might have passed the fetch() method (see the
documentation at the link posted earlier for information on these
optional parameters). In general, the fetch() method will return
one of the following values:
the boolean value FALSE if there is some kind of problem fetching a
null if there are no records in the result set
an array containing the record data
Note that in the documentation
you'll see that there are a few other things it could return if you
use different fetch types.
Assuming we're executing a standard SELECT query and retrieving
the result set as a set of records, we could do the following to
fetch and echo the first row of a Songs table:
If you wanted to make sure there was a record before you attempted
to fetch it, you could use an if statement, since the fetch()
method returns false or null if there was nothing returned:
$row = $statement->fetch();
if ($row) {
echo "ID: " . $row["id"] . " Title: " . $row["title"] . " Artist: " . $row["artist"] .
" Price: $" . $row["price"];
} else {
// action to take if there's no records or failure to get a record
In this example, $row will contain FALSE
if there's a failure of some kind,
null if there are no records returned, or an associative array of
records. Recall that the value in the parentheses of an if statement
must be a boolean or boolean expression. Because PHP is weakly-typed,
the value null will be automatically cast into the value FALSE, and an
array will automatically be cast into the value TRUE. Therefore, if ($row)
will be true if there is a record to fetch, and false otherwise.
Iterating Through the Records
Ideally, your result set will contain many records or rows, so you'll want
to iterate through the result set and do something with each
row returned. To iterate through the records, you can use a while-loop
with your fetch() call:
This looks odd, right? We know that a while loop condition must be
a boolean or boolean expression, so why does
$row = $statement->fetch()
work here? Because, as mentioned earlier, null will cast into FALSE
and an array will cast into TRUE. Even though $row =
$statement->fetch() is an assignment statement, an assignment statement
also has a data type: it's the type of the value that was assigned.
So if you use Java to give the double variable dblNumber a value
of 2.3 in the statement dblNumber
= 2.3;, the data type of this expression is double.
Therefore, the value of $row = $statement->fetch() is either going to
be false, null, or an array. If null, this will cast into FALSE, and if an array,
that will cast into TRUE.
Try it out: add the code to your inventoryList.php file to
display all the inventory records in a nice, formatted
HTML table.
Code to connect to database and retrieve the recordsCode to display the table in the page body
Getting the Number of Rows Returned
If you want to count the rows returned by your query, you can use a
counter in your loop, and this is a perfectly fine solution:
However, if you need the number of rows before or without iterating
through your result set, things are a little more complicated. There
is no function to do this in PHP; you'll have to do it using another SQL
query that counts the rows. This means you might have to execute 2
queries - one to count the rows and one to acquire the rows:
// query to count all the rows in the Music table
$countStmt = $dbConn->prepare("SELECT count(*) FROM Music;");
$execOk = $countStmt->execute(); // execute the query
if ($execOk) { // if it was able to count successfully
// fetch the count number in the result set
$rows = $countStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
if ($rows >= 1) {
// we have rows
echo "<p>$rows[0] records.</p>";
} else {
// we have no rows
echo "<p>Sorry, no music records.</p>";
In this example, the query executes the SQL count() method: count(*)
always counts the number of records. Here we're telling it to count
all of the records in the Music table. After we execute the statement
and make sure it was successful, we use the fetch() method to fetch
the first item in the record set. In this case, the record set is
just a value containing the number of records. The constant PDO::FETCH_NUM
tells fetch() to return the results as a numerically-indexed array.
This makes things easier since there's only one value being returned: we
can just use $rows[0] to get the single value returned (the number
of records).
You can see that this is not the most effective solution, so if
you need to iterate your rows anyway, it's better to just use the
first solution and increment a row counter.
Try it out: Add the code to display the number of records
in your Inventory table. Use the most efficient technique for
your program.
Filtering Records
Sometimes you may need to design a page that allows the user to view only
certain records. Earlier you learned how you can use a WHERE clause
in your SELECT query to
filter results.
Edit your inventory list example to allow a user to search for
records that contain a specific string value in the name
column. For example, maybe a user wants to search for all inventory
items with "basket" in the name or they want to search for all
records for "apples".
Add a form to your inventory list page. When the user first loads
the page, or if they try to submit the form with no search value,
then all the records are displayed. If the form is submitted
with a search value, perform a search where the name
column contains the search value, using the LIKE operator.
As with any form input, make sure you sanitize the search value.
Also, don't forget to use a parameterized query for your SELECT
statement! DON'T put the wildcard symbols around the parameter
in your statement: add them to the value when you add
the search parameter to your array e.g.
$params = [":searchKey" => "%$searchKey%"];
Code to connect to database and retrieve the recordsCode with form and to display the table in the page body
1. Put your inventory examples in a single application:
you have the form page for adding a new inventory record and
the search/list page for viewing the records. On the form page,
below the form, display the same list output as the list page: display
all the records in an HTML table. Create a library function in a separate file
that accepts a collection of Inventory rows and displays an HTML table.
It's vital to keep your program fast and efficient by avoiding unnecessary
database accesses. In both your form and list pages, you shouldn't perform
the select query unless you have to. Store the collection of inventory
records in a SESSION variable. On both pages, if the session variable
doesn't exist or is empty, retrieve the list of inventory records from the
database. This also ensures you can see the same list of inventory records
across all pages in your application!
What happens after you add a new record? It's standard practice to
refresh your collection whenever a new record is updated/added/deleted,
so after a new record is added, retrieve a new set of inventory records and
update the session variable.
2. Create a simple application to manage the Courses table.
A main index page shows a list of courses. Below the list is a count
of the number of courses and the average grade of all the courses.
Include a second page where a user can add a new course to the
Courses table. After adding a new course, the user should end up
back on the main page with the course listing.
3. Create a page called "selectInventory.php" that
lists all the inventory items inside a form as a series of
radio buttons: each inventory item should have it's own radio button.
Each radio butotn's label should be the inventory item name. The
value returned to the server when a radio button is selected (i.e. when
the user chooses a radio button and then clicks the SUBMIT button)
is the record ID of the inventory item.
You can process your form submission by displaying the selected
inventory item's information. We'll actually determine what we
do with the selected item in an upcoming lesson.