What is valid HTML and why is it important? Does it really matter?
The short anwer is YES. The long answer is the whole point of This
lesson :D You'll also learn about industry standards and creating
good code, and how to make sure your code is valid
and well-formed.
Elements that require closing tags have properly closed tags.
For example:
<p>This is an example of some mal-formed
or invalid HTML. I have not closed the paragraph tag
I opened on the first line.
<p>We don't want to do that!</p>
Proper nesting of elements: always close tags in the reverse
order they were opened. For example:
<!-- invalid HTML: improper nesting: -->
<p>This is a paragraph with <strong>important text</p></strong>
<!-- valid HTML: nesting is correct: -->
<p>This is a paragraph with <strong>important text</strong></p>
Attribute values enclosed in single- or double-quotes. For example:
<p class=highlight>This is not valid because the attribute value
is not enclosed in single-quotes or double-quotes.</p>
Ensuring that only those elements and attributes that are part of the HTML
standard (in our case, the HTML Living Standard standard) are being used. There are
some special circumstances when you can make up attributes for use by
scripts and plugins, but they have to follow certain standards and
conventions in order to be considered valid.
Why Only Valid HTML?
All HTML documents should be valid and well-formed because:
Pages with valid and well-formed HTML render faster than
pages with invalid or mal-formed HTML.
Pages with valid and well-formed HTML will be more likely
to work in a browser you haven't tested for your page, or
a new browser that you haven't tried.
HTML changes frequently. Valid and well-formed HTML is
easier to update to match changes in the technology.
Pages with valid and well-formed HTML are more accessible and
will work with accessibility software (for example, a
screen reader).
It's more professional and shows that you pay attention
to detail, which employers and clients really like.
Industry Standards
Industry standards (or just "standards" or "conventions",
sometimes also referred to as "coding style") are
important. These are the rules that industry follows regarding
the styling of source code. They include rules for things
like indentation and spacing, the made-up names for things
(identifiers) like variables and methods/functions/classes,
how long a line of code should be, how code is documented
or commented, and where certain words or symbols should
appear (e.g. at the end of the line or beginning of the
next line).
Industry standards don't determine the validity of your
HTML code, but they do make your code professional and
easier to read and maintain.
Here's a list of typical industry standards:
Elements and attributes should be in lower-case. For example, the
following code violates industry standards because the <p>
and <span> tags and the class attribute are in upper-case:
<P>This is invalid HTML because all <SPAN CLASS="highlight">elements</SPAN>
and <SPAN CLASS="highlight">attributes</SPAN> must be in lower-case.</P>
The proper way to write this code would be:
<p>This is invalid HTML because all <span class="highlight">elements</span>
and <span class="highlight">attributes</span> must be in lower-case.</p>
A line of code should not go beyond column 80. This is for
a variety of reasons but mostly because it fits on most screens
(try reading code by scrolling side-to-side, it's annoying).
Example, do this:
<h3>This Is A Sidebar</h3>
<p><img src="images/AnImageFileThatIMadeUp.jpg"
alt="not a real image">Some text about something related to the main
content of the page.</p>
NOT this:
<aside><h3>This Is A Sidebar</h3>
<p><img src="images/AnImageFileThatIMadeUp.jpg" alt="not a real image">Some text about something related to the main content of the page.</p>
Exception: if you have an href
attribute with a really long URL, you can't break that URL over
multiple lines. So for long URLs, we accept that it's often
necessary to have a line of code go past column 80. For example:
<a href="http://www.not.a.real.url/do/not/try/to/go/to/this/page/because/i/just/made/this/up/so/it/would/be/really/long/lol.html">Not
a real URL, don't try to go here.</a>
Indent the code inside an element. You've already seen
this in the longer code examples throughout these tutorials so
far. For example:
You should also add an extra indent to the second and subsequent
lines of an extra-long bit of code that you have to break up
over multiple lines. For example:
<h2>Lorum Ipsum>
<p>This is lorum ipsum text. We use it as
"filler" when we want to include blocks of text but don't have any actual content,
yet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula
eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis,
sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec,
vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.
Standard indent size is 2 spaces, but many programmers use 4
because most programing languages use 4.
Add a blank line between groups of related statements.
You saw an example of this up above in the example I used
for indentation.
Add lines of documentation using the <!-- --> element
to help explain the structure of a complex page or the different
components of a page/application.
Following standards makes your code more readable
and also makes it easier to maintain (update, make
changes to, fix errors, etc.)
Validating your HTML Code
The W3C has a free HTML validator you can use to ensure your
HTML is valid and well-formed. The validator will inform you of
any errors in your HTML code with line numbers (but it won't
point out violations of industry standards).
You can validate by either passing the service your
page's URL with file name, by uploading your HTML file
to the validator, or by pasting your HTML code
right into the validator.
Regardless of which method you choose, make sure you
open the "More Options" area to change some of the
validation options:
If offered, select the "utf-8" Character Encoding.
Make sure you select the right DOCTYPE for your HTML.
In this course, you should be writing valid HTML5 code
so you should select "HTML5 (experimental)".
An example of the validation options.
Here I've selected utf-8, HTML5, and to show the
page source being validated plus verbose output.
The rest of the options are up to you. You can list your
error output in the order in which it was discovered
(List Messages Sequentially) or you can list them in groups
of similar errors (Group Error Messages By Type). You can have
the validator output the source it's validating (Show Source, helpful if you
chose file upload or URL options), and you can tell the
validator to give you error messages with a bit more explanation
(Verbose Output).
Once you have selected your options, click the CHECK button
to validate your HTML. You will see the output shortly after
clicking the button.
Several validation errors: I only made 2
mistakes, yet several errors result!
In the example above, I only have 2 mistakes: I left the
<title> element empty, and I put a level-2 heading inside
a paragraph but forgot to close the level-2 heading tag above
the footer element:
You should only publish valid and well-formed HTML, and there's really no good
reason not to: it's so easy to validate your HTML code and fix the problems!
Copy the HTML from the CodePen below and run it through the W3C HTML
validtor. Fix all the errors! Keep running your altered code through the
validator until it's perfect.
Once you've made the code well-formed and valid, fix any violations of
industry standards.