Overview of This Lesson

Refresh this page because I am probably still making changes to it.

So far, we've learned how to write code in our controller that can receive requests and send responses back to the client.

A lot of the time, you're going to want to pass data into your handler methods in the controller. For example, if the user wants to add a book to the books database, you'll need to have them input the book data into a form. That book data then needs to be sent along in the request body to the controller for processing.

API Used in this Lesson:


Review: Forms

Recall that a form generally has a method attribute and an action attribute.

The method attribute determines how the data from the form is sent to the server for processing. There are several methods you would but the most common ones used to send form data are GET and POST.

The action attribute will determine what script or program receives your form data. This will be a program that processes the form data, and probably displays some sort of feedback or result on a new page, as defined by the script/program.

For example, if you saw a form that was enclosed in the following form tag:

<form method="post" action="showResults.php">

You would know that this form sends it data to the showResults.php program for processing, via the POST method. All of the other controls that make up your form must go between the <form> and </form> tags.

In a Spring application, your form's action attribute will be set to any value that can be matched with a URL pattern in your controller. This means it doesn't have to be a file name and it doesn't have to refer to any directory/file that actually exists.

Review: GET vs. POST

Recall the differences between GET and POST from your previous readings/review:

GET vs. POST Request Methods
Data is sent as key-value pairs as part of URL, therefore
  • data is visible to a user
  • data is visible when page is bookmarked or in the browser history
  • data can be cached
  • it's easy to hack
Data is sent inside the HTTP request, therefore
  • data is not visible to a user
  • data is not visible when page is bookmarked nor in the browser history
  • data can't be cached
  • it's more difficult to hack
Data can only be plain text Data can be plain text, objects, binary data, etc.
Data is limited to the size limit of a URL (generally 2,048 characters) There is no limit to amount of data you can send
No problems reloading the URL or using the browser's BACK button to go back to the URL When browser reloads/revisits the page, the form data must be resubmitted

The general rules for mapping handler methods with GET or POST is as follows:

So when you use the POST method to send form data to the server via the request, the input data is sent along inside the Request Body. When you use the GET method, the data is sent along in the URL as key-value pairs.

Recall that the question mark (?) character is used to separate the URL from the query string, and that query string contains the parameters defined as key-value pairs (name=Fred). The key is on the left of the equals (=) sign and represents the parameter name. The value is on the right, and represents the value of the parameter. In our example, the parameter is called "name" and it will contain the value "Fred". To pass multiple parameters, separate each key-value pair with an ampersand (&) and to include a space in the value, use a plus (+) sign. For example http://www.some.server.com/addPerson.php?name=Aegon+Targaryen&department=Iron+Throne

Accessing Form Data in the Controller

So naturally now the next thing you're probably wondering about is how do we fit the puzzle pieces together: how do we take the inputs from an HTML form that are sent to the server in a Request object, and then process that input data that we retrieve from the Request object and send it back to the client? Here we go!

Inside a controller's handler method, you can access form data easily using the @RequestParam annotation. This annotation is attached to a handler method's parameters. Each parameter matches one of the form inputs.

How does the controller know which key-value pair to match to each parameter? You must make sure your handler's parameter variable names match the input field's name-attribute value exactly .

For example, let's say you have the following form:

<form action="/doForm">
    <label for="first">First Name:
      <input type="text" id="first" name="firstName">
    <label for="last">Last Name:
      <input type="text" id="last" name="lastName">
  <p><input type="submit"></p>

Here, the input field names are set to firstName and lastName. Therefore, the handler method should include a parameter for firstName and a parameter for lastName:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam String firstName, @RequestParam String lastName) {


The @RequestParam annotation binds each parameter variable to its specific request parameter in the query string. For example, when this form is submitted after the user enters "Sydney" for first name and "Greenstreet" for last name, the query string will be "firstName=Sydney&lastName=Greenstreet". @RequestParam String firstName is automatically bound to the firstName key/value pair in the query string, and @RequestParam String lastName is automatically bound to the lastName key/value pair in the query string. It works as long as the parameter variable name matches the key, or the name attribute value of the form.

If you don't want to use the name attribute value of the field for your parameter variable name, you can tell @RequestParam the name of the form field:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam(name="firstName") String fname, 
    @RequestParam(name="lastName") String lname) {


In the above example, the controller retrieves the value from the key "firstName" in the query string and stores that value in the Java variable "fname". Similarly, it gets the value from the key "lastName" and stores it in the variable "lname".

You can also do this with less typing by just putting the form field name in quotes:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam("firstName") String fname, 
    @RequestParam("lastName") String lname) {


And finally, the "value" property is a synonym for the "name" property, so you can use value instead:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam(value="firstName") String fname, 
    @RequestParam(value="lastName") String lname) {


Parameter Types and Validation

Recall from web programming, when you were learning PHP, that request parameters are always strings. The values the user enters are transmitted from the form as string values, and yet we are able to use specific data types in our parameter variables.

<form action="/doForm">
    <label for="qty">Quantity:
      <input type="text" id="qty" name="quantity">
    <label for="price">Price:
      <input type="text" id="price" name="price">
  <p><input type="submit"></p>

In this form example, we're asking for a quantity, and a price. We would assume that quantity should be an integer, and price should be a floating point. When we create the handler method for this form's request, we can use those specific data types for the quantity and price parameters:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam int quantity, @RequestParam double price) {


The values in the query string will automatically be converted into the appropriate types. Note that this will cause an error if there's a problem parsing/converting the value. For example, if the user types a quantity such as "hi" or "1.5".

Casting and parsing errors can be avoided with some client-side error handling using HTML5 constraint validation and/or JavaScript validation. However, it's still a good idea to make sure you handle exceptions dealing with this issue in your controller. We'll learn how to do this in a later lesson, so for now, you can use client-side validation to ensure your inputs are of the correct types.

<form action="/doForm">
    <label for="qty">Quantity:
      <input type="number" id="qty" name="quantity" min="1" value="1">
    <label for="price">Price:
      <input type="text" id="price" name="price" pattern="(\d*\.?)\d+">
  <p><input type="submit"></p>


Create a quick form that asks for an item name, quantity, and price. Write a handler method that executes when the form is submitted: the handler should grab each input value and (for now) display them on the console using System.out.println() (you'll have to load the page in the browser and then come back to the IDE to read the console). The handler can simply return the index page or form page for now. We'll learn more appropriate ways to display output later in this lesson and in future lessons (Thymeleaf!)

Overriding Response Output

As we're learning what we can do with a controller, it's a bit annoying that we can't really do much to see any output to our program. Of course, you can print things to the console using System.out.print/println/printf() but that means you have to go to the browser to load the page, then come back to the editor to look at the console.

Even though you'll rarely do this in an actual application, it's helpful to know how to produce web page output in your handler methods. Think of this like System.out.print/println/printf() but to the web page, instead.

First, edit your handler method:

Now that you have access to the response object, you can use it.

public void formSubmit(HttpServletResponse response, 
    @RequestParam String firstName, 
    @RequestParam String lastName) {


To modify the response being sent back, you have to retrieve the output stream object from the response object. This object is a java.io.PrintWriter, which is nice because you're already familiar with PrintWriter: you used it in Java 2 when you worked with data files. So you can use print() and println() with it:

public void formSubmit(HttpServletResponse response, 
    @RequestParam() String firstName, 
    @RequestParam() String lastName) {

    // skipping some important minimal html for brevity
    try {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();  // get the output stream

        // create bad html document 
        String output = String.format("<html><body>" + firstName + 
            "<br>" + lastName + "</body></html>"):
        // add output to response body

       // close the stream!!
    } catch (IOException ex) {
        // if there actually are errors, we need to see what they are

The above code uses the response object's getWriter() method to retrieve an output stream we can use to create a response body. Then we create the HTML response we want, and add that output to the response body using the println() method on our stream object. Finally, we close the stream when we're done.

Note that we have to use a try-catch to handle any IO Exceptions that PrintWriter might throw!

Until I show you how to use Thymeleaf and HTML next week, you can test your examples and demonstrations by outputting to the response body, if you want.


Modify your previous example to display the output to the response object instead of using the console.

More About Request Parameters

There are a few other important details you should know about when it comes to request parameters in your handlers. By default, the parameters are required, but you can change this to make one or more parameters optional. You can also provide default values for parameters whose values are not sent to the server.

Optional Parameters

Recall from web programming that the checkbox input only sends data to the server when the box is checked. When the box is unchecked, no data for that input is sent to the server. For example:

<form action="/doForm">
    <label for="first">First Name:
      <input type="text" id="first" name="firstName">
    <label for="last">Last Name:
      <input type="text" id="last" name="lastName">
    <label for="fun">
      <input type="checkbox" id="fun" name="fun" value="true">
        Spring Boot is Fun
  <p><input type="submit"></p>

With the form above, if the user's inputs of "Mackenzie", "Monaghan" are entered for first name and last name, and the check box is checked, then the query string is


is sent to the server. But if the box remains unchecked, then the query string


is sent to the server.

If you try out this example, you'll see that you get an error when you try to run the program.

Required request parameter 'fun' for method parameter type boolean is not present
Error that occurs when a parameter is missing its value from the form

So how do we deal with this? Our controller's handler method would be expecting a request parameter for the "fun" field, but if the user doesn't check the check box, there is no value for the parameter and the program crashes.

To fix this, we can create optional parameters. To make a request parameter optional, you just add the required property to the @RequestParam annotation and assigning it a value of false as a boolean literal.

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam String firstName, @RequestParam String lastName,
    @RequestParam(required=false) boolean fun) {


Any request parameter defined with @RequestParam(required=false) is considered optional. If a paramter does not have required=false then it is a required parameter.

Assign Default Values to Parameters

You can also assign a default value to a request parameter. For example, if the user doesn't enter the last name, you can assign a default value. Just use the defaultValue property inside the @RequestParam and assign the value as a String:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam String firstName, 
    @RequestParam(devaultValue="none") String lastName,
    @RequestParam(required=false) boolean fun) {


If the query string contains a key-value pair for lastName, it will be used. But if the query string doesn't contain a key-value pair for lastName, then the lastName parameter variable will be assigned the value "none".

This can work for any parameter. For example, if your user doesn't enter a price in the price field, you can assign a default price:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam int quantity, 
    @RequestParam(defaultValue="5.99") double price) {


What if you want to use more than one property in the @RequestParameter annotation? Just separate them with a comma, but if you're using the short form for name="", then you'll have to expand it to the long version. For example, you'll have to do something like name="id", defaultValue="1" and not "id, defaultValue="1"

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam(name="quantity", defaultValue="1") double quantity, 
    @RequestParam(defaultValue="5.99") double price) {


Working with Date/Time Input Values

Working with dates and times is much easier than it used to be, especially after Java added a whole new API for dates and times in the java.time packages.

Working with dates in an enterprise application can be confusing because there are several classes you can use to model dates (and times) such as the java.util.Calendar class, java.util.Date class, java.sql.Date class (for SQL queries), java.time.LocalDate class, and java.time.LocalDateTime class.

Older applications would use the java.util.Calendar and java.util.Date classes to deal with dates and times. As of Java 8, we use the java.time classes, such as the java.time.LocalDate class. The java.sql.Date class is a class used for modeling dates that are read from or written to SQL databases.

So which should we use? It depends on what you want to do. For new POJO/Bean classes that have a date/time as a data member, use the java.time.LocalDate (or LocalTime, or LocalDateTime, whatever is appropriate) class. The java.util.Date class is older and most of its methods are deprecated, so you shouldn't use it anymore.

Example: Creating a LocalDateTime Object

You can create a LocalDateTime from integer values representing the year, month, and date of the month. The static LocalDateTime.of() method takes various numbers of arguments - you can see in the documentation that it's over loaded so you can pass it year/month/day/hour/minute, or year/month/day/hour/minute/second, or LocalDate object / LocalTime object, and several others. Either way, the of() method returns a LocalDate object. For example:

// 15th May, 2020 4:45pm
LocalDateTime someTime = LocalDateTime.of(2020, 5, 15, 16, 45);
// overloaded version takes a Month enum:
LocalDateTime otherTime = LocalDateTime.of(2020, Month.MAY, 15, 16, 45);

This could be handy if you're getting your date from your user using integer values (such as a numeric input field for year, and some select drop-down lists for the month and date).

Notice that there's an overloaded version of the LocalDateTime.of() method that accepts a java.time.Month enum value.

Often your user will enter the date as a String e.g. "2018-05-15". In this case, you need to parse the date. You could do this manually with your own code:

//  add validation, obviously
String dateString = "2018-05-15";
String[] dateParts = dateString.split("-");
LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(Integer.parseInt(dateParts[0]),

There are also some classes that help you do these exact same tasks in the java.time and java.time.formatter packages. java.time.DateTimeFormatter provides methods that allow you to define date/time formats. For example, the static DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(string) accepts a FormatStyle enum constant (FULL, LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT) and returns a DateTimeFormatter object you can use to format a LocalDate using ISO standards.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = 

Alternatively, you can use pattern symbols to create your own custom format string and then create a formatter using the DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern() method.

DateTimeFormatter formatter = 
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy MM dd");

You can see a list of the accepted pattern symbols in the java.time.DateTimeFormatter documentation.

Once you have a formatter, you can then use the LocalDate.format() to create a formatted String for a date, or you can use LocalDate.parse() to parse a String into a LocalDate object (in which case the formatter is defining the format that your date String should have, so you'd want to make sure that any of those strings contain something that actually does match the formatter). For example:

// gets the current date
LocalDate rightNow = LocalDate.now();

// make a formatter for date# fullMonthName 4-digitYear
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd MMMM, yyyy");

// get the current date as a String
String dateString = rightNow.format(formatter);

// get the current date as a LocalDate object from a String
LocalDate nowAgain = LocalDate.parse(dateString, formatter);

Date/Time Objects and Beans

Note that if you create a bean with a LocalDate, LocalTime, or LocalDateTime object as a member, you'll have to make sure your accessor and mutator methods do an object copy instead of a reference copy when appropriate.

LocalTime rightNow = LocalTime.now();
// reference copy: the address of rightNow is copied to notNow
// so both variables point to the same object in memory
LocalTime notNow = rightNow;

// object copy: later is being given a copy of rightNow by creating
// an entirely new object with the same time values as rightNow
LocalTime later = LocalTime.of(rightNow.getHour(), rightNow.getMinute(), rightNow.getSecond());

Date and Time Input Fields

In an HTML form, you have the option of using the HTML5 date or time input types. For example:

<form action="/doForm">
    <label for="first">First Name:
      <input type="text" id="first" name="firstName">
    <label for="last">Last Name:
      <input type="text" id="last" name="lastName">
    <label for="fun">
      <input type="checkbox" id="fun" name="fun" value="true">
        Spring Boot is Fun
    <label for="time">Appointment Time:
      <input type="time" id="time" name="apptTime">
  <p><input type="submit"></p>

We can then receive the inputted time using a LocalTime paramter variable:

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam String firstName, @RequestParam String lastName,
    @RequestParam(required=false) boolean fun,
    @RequestParam LocalTime apptTime) {


However, when you run this, you'll notice you get an error when you submit the form:

2021-05-21 14:25:27.394  WARN 15116 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] 
.w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : 
Resolved [org.springframework.web.method.annotation.MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException: 
Failed to convert value of type 'java.lang.String' to required type 'java.time.LocalTime'; 
nested exception is org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionFailedException: 
Failed to convert from type [java.lang.String] to type 
[@org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam java.time.LocalTime] for value '14:25'; 
nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parse attempt failed for value [14:25]]

Basically, the controller isn't able to convert the time from our query string into a LocalTime object. That's because the default format for a query string date and time doesn't match the default used by the LocalDate, LocalTime, and LocalDateTime classes. We have to configure the format ourselves, and that will cause the controller to convert the date/time in the query string into the correct format.

We can do this by adding the @DateTimeFormat annotation to the date, time, or local date/time parameter. We then set a property called "iso" to the format we'd like to use. The iso property must be set to one of the DateTimeFormat.ISO enumeration values: DATE, DATE_TIME, TIME, or NONE.

public String formSubmit(@RequestParam String firstName, @RequestParam String lastName,
@RequestParam(required=false) boolean fun,
@RequestParam @DateTimeFormat(iso=DateTimeFormat.ISO.TIME) LocalTime apptTime) {


In the example above, I used the TIME constant since I'm formatting a time string into a LocalTime. If you had a date string to be converted into a LocalDate, you'd use DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE, and for LocalDateTime you'd use DateTimeFormat.ISO.DATE_TIME.

Alternatively, you can also change the date/time format in your project's application.properties file so that it matches the format used by HTML. Recall that the application.properties file is in the src/main/resources directory node in your project.

To change the date and/or time formats, just assign the format you want to any of the values spring.mvc.format.date (to format the date), spring.mvc.format.time (to format the time), and spring.mvc.format.date-time (to format the date and time as a single unit, i.e for a LocalDateTime object). For example:


Here, I've made the formats for dates and times to match the same formatting used by the HTML date and time input fields. When you add these to your application.properties file, you no longer need to use the @DateTimeFormat() annotation on your date/time parameters.


1. Create a new project and add your Book bean to it in a .beans package.

Create a form in /templates that allows a user to enter the isbn (required, maximum 13 characters), title (required), author, price (required and must be a valid decimal number), and genre. If you like, you can create a drop-down list box for the genres and use that to assign a numeric value to the genre field, it would be good practice/review). The form page should map to the URL pattern /newBook. The form action should map to the URL pattern /addBook.

form with inputs for all the fields including price (value 10 entered), genre drop-down, and number of copies (value 4 entered)
The input form for entering Book data.

Add an input field to your form that allows the user to enter a number of copies (this input is required and must be a valid integer value of 1 or greater), and a submit button. Your form should submit data via POST.

The handler method that processes the form should receive all the input data as parameters. Remember that author is optional. If genre is not provided, use the value 1 as the default.

The handler method should construct an instance of Book and set all the data members that were provided. Then it should calculate the total value (book price * number of copies).

Build some basic response output that provides a response in the following form:

book object as a string
Total Inventory Value: $x.xx

Where x.xx is the total value, formatted to 2 decimal places. Other than what is mentioned, you don't have to format your output with CSS unless you want to (you will have to hard-code it :P ).

output showing a title, then the word 'by', then the author; below that is total inventory value followed by formatted $40.00
Response output in the browser

2. An application is needed for patients to book appointments for vaccines. A patient will need to enter their patient ID and indicate whether or not they require assistance with their appointment. They also need to select a desired date along with a range of times of availability.

A form should prompt the user to enter the patient ID (any combination of numbers/letters), the date they prefer for their appointment, and a range of times of availability (a start time and end time, e.g. if someone is available from 9am to 12:00, the would choose 9am for the first time and 12:00pm for the second box. The form should also include 4 check boxes to ask if the patient needs assistance: Transportation, Interpreter, Mobility Device, Sight Guide. See the screen shot below. The form should send data via POST, since patient data is always private.

input form showing all the fields, none filled in; 
                         the date has prompt Preferred Date: and the 2 time fields have Between: followed by one
                         time input field followed by the word 'and' followed by the second time input field;
                         the checkboxes have a fieldset and legend (value is 'check any assistance you require')
Form to book an appointment

The four checkboxes are not mutually exclusive: the user can check any number of them: one of them, some of them, or none of them. The checkboxes are an array (i.e. they all have the same name). I used Strings for the checkbox values because it's going to be way easier/less coding in the handler method!

Don't forget to make your form accessible by properly nesting label/input elements, and by including fieldset/legend for the check boxes.

The form should be in the /templates folder and be mapped to the root "/".

the same form filled in: patient id abc123, date 5/29/2021, between 11:00am and 4:00pm, transportation and site guide are checked
Form to book an appointment, data entered.

You can code the form yourself for practice, or you can download one that's already finished.

The handler method that processes the form inputs should receive each input value and add some output to the response in the following format:

output showing Patien5 ID: abc123, next line Date: 2021-05-29, 
                         next line From 11:00 to 16:00, blank line, Assistance Required, next line a bullet list with 2
                         items Transportation and Sight Guide
Response output for appointment booking form

You don't have to add any fancy formatting, but the checkbox items that are checked must appear in an unordered list. Note that if the user doesn't check any boxes, the list doesn't appear at all, not even the "Assistance Required:" heading or empty list container elements:

same output as above but only patient id, date and times; html source showing only those items
Response output for appointment booking form with no assistance