Lesson Overview

This lesson shows you how to connect to a MySQL database using the Express mysql module. You'll also learn how to perform and process the results of SELECT queries.


Before doing this lesson, make sure you have an understanding of Basic Database Concepts and that you have access to a MySQL database server. If you need to install one locally, I have instructions for Installing MySQL Server on your local machine.

Lastly, make sure you've gone through the lessons on Express MVC applications.

Using the MySQL Module in Express

Express comes with a module you can import to your programs so you can access MySQL databases with your Node.js code. This module will need to be installed along with Express and anything else your project needs:

npm install express mysql -s

Installing the "mysql" package also installs the MySQL database driver that's needed to communicate with the database server. Your code is written in JavaScript. But the database server speaks in a different language. A database driver takes your JavaScript commands and translates them into something the database server can understand. Regardless of what type of database you are using, you need a driver for that specifyc kind of database. For example, if you were using Mongoose/MongoDb, you'd use the "mongodb" driver, instead.

You can use the MySQL module and its objects/functions by importing it:

const mysql = require("mysql");

To use MySQL in Express, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Make a connection to the database server.
  2. Perform a query.
  3. Disconnect from the database server.

You should always disconnect from the databas server as soon as you're done. Connections cost resources, and too many connections can slow things down for other users. You should never leave your connections open while they're not being used.

Connecting to the Database

We connect to the database using the mysql.createConnection() function. This function accepts an object that contains properties that configure the database connection. These properties include:


const host = "localhost", dbname = "mynodedb";
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: host,
    user: 'guest',
    password: 'tunafish',
    database: mynodedb

Once you create the connection object with .createConnection(), you can open the connection with the connection.connect() function. The connect() function accepts a callback that executes when the connection is being made. The callback contains an error parameter that only exists if there was an error while opening the connection. For example:

const host = "localhost", dbname = "mynodedb";
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: host,
    user: 'guest',
    password: 'tunafish',
    database: mynodedb
connection.connect((error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error(`error connecting to db: ${error}`);
    } else {
        console.log(`successfully connected to ${host}/${dbname}`);

A single connection is a blocking operation: when you perform a query, the program waits until it receives the results. The connection remains open until it is closed (either programmatically or by the server). The program can't perform other queries on the connection while the current query is being executed. It's similar to a situation a friend of mine was in once: she was driving on a highway and had just passed the exit before the one she wanted, which was still several kilometers away. An accident occurred before she could get to her exit and the accident blocked all traffic on the highway. There was no way to turn back and no way to move forward: her single route to her destination was blocked, and she was unable to proceed to her destination until the traffic accident was cleared (which took several hours during which she was stuck where she was). Database operations are similar: since they are blocking operations, no other operations can proceed until the first operation has been finished and cleared away.

Connection Pooling

Connection pooling solves the blocking issue: A connection pool is a collection of connections. When the database needs a connection, it requests one from the pool and uses it. While the program is using that connection, it might need to perform another query, so it grabs an available connection and uses that one, while the other connection is busy. When a connection is finished with its operation, it is returned to the connection pool and becomes available for the next database operation. If a connection is requested and none are available, the program can create new connections as long as the connection limit has not been reached. The program can use multiple connections in this way without blocking the rest of the program execution. It's like having multiple routes to a destination that you could choose from. If there were some side roads between exits on the highway, my friend and the other drivers could have taken any one of those to get away from the blocked traffic, using these alternate routes to get to their destinations.

Connection pooling provides better performance in applications that have many users using the application at one time, and many database operations being performed simultaneously. To create a connection pool instead of a single connection, you use the mysql.createPool() function. This function takes a single object with properties that configure the connection pool. This object is the same as the one you would pass to createConnection() - you provide the hostname, user credentials, and database name - but you can also specify options such as the connectionLimit, which is the maximum number of connections allowed in the connection pool. There are other properties you can explore in the connectionPool() documentation.


const host = "localhost", dbname = "mynodedb";
let pool = mysql.createPool({
    connectionLimit: 10,
    host: host,
    user: "guest",
    password: "tunafish",
    database: dbname

Performing Queries

Once you have an open connection, you can perform queries and then process the results of those queries.

Queries on a Single Connection

You can perform queries on a single connection object or on a connection pool object. To execute a query on a single connection, use the connection.query() function. This function takes an SQL statement as a string and a callback. The query() function will execute the SQL query, and then execute the callback after the query has been executed. We'll go over the details of the query() function and it's arguments/callback in the next section, Processing the Results of A SELECT Query.


const host = "localhost", dbname = "mynodedb";
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
    host: host,
    user: 'guest',
    password: 'tunafish',
    database: mynodedb
connection.connect((error) => {
    if (error) {
        console.error(`error connecting to db: ${error)`);
    } else {
        console.log(`successfully connected to ${host}/${dbname}`);
connection.query("SELECT * FROM things;", (error, results, fields) => {
    // process results of query or error

Queries Using a Connection Pool

You can perform queries with a connection pool using the connection pool's query() function. This query() function works in a similar way to the same function you use on a single connection, except that it operates on a connection that is chosen from the connection pool. First, after you create your connection pool, you have to get a connection object from the pool. Then, after you perform the query, you must release the connection back into the connection pool.

We obtain a connection from the pool using the pool.getConnection() function. This function accepts a callback that executes the query and processes the results. The callback function accepts 2 arguments:

When you're done with the connection, the callback should call connection.release() to release the connection back into the pool so that it's available for a different database operation.


let pool = mysql.createPool(...);
pool.getConnection((connectionError, connection) => {
    if (connectionError) { // not connected
    } else {
        // Use the connection
        connection.query('SELECT something FROM sometable', (queryError, results, fields) => {

            // process the query results here

            // When done with the connection, release it.
            // Handle query error after the release.
            if (queryError) {
        // Don't use the connection here, it has been returned to the pool.

In the example, I named the error paramters connectionError and queryError so that it's easier to tell the difference.

If your operation contains only one single query, you can use the shortcut pool.query() function: This is a shortcut for the whole pool.getConnection()/connection.query()/connection.release() process. pool.query() will handle the process of obtaining a connection, executing your query, and then releasing the connection after the query has executed:

pool.query('SELECT something FROM sometable', (error, results, fields) => {
    if (error) {
    ... code to process results of query

However, if you want to execute multiple queries in order on the same connection (e.g. insert a record, then retrieve an updated set of records), use the first technique.

We'll talk about more details of the query() function and how to process the query results in the next section, Processing Results of a SELECT Query.

Closing the Connection

When you have finished with a connection, you should close it. An open connection takes up resources, so if you're not using it, an open connection might slow down your application.

Closing a Single Connection

The connection.end() function will close a single connection. It can take a callback that executes when the connection closes. There is an error parameter that contains an error object if there is an error closing the connection.

Closing a Connection Pool

The pool.end() function will close a connection pool. It can take a callback that executes when the connection closes. There is an error parameter that contains an error object if there is an error closing the connection. With a connection pool, you would generally only close it when the application is finished or shut down: individual connections are released either programmatically or automatically, so there is no need to programmatically close or end a pool after queries are executed.

In both cases, the end() function will make sure all pending queries have finished executing.

Processing Results of SELECT Queries

Earlier we saw that you can use the query() function to execute a basic SELECT query on a database. The query() function has 3 arguments:

The query() callback has 3 parameters:

The results parameter contains the actual results of the query that was executed, and it has some useful properties:

The results parameter also contains an object array with the actual rows that were returned in a SELECT query. You could iterate through this array and process the results however you needed to:

results.forEach( (row) => {
    console.log(`${row.name} lives in ${row.city}`);

This example assumes that the query results included fields for the "name" column and the "city" column.

Paramterized Queries

Parameterized queries are used to prevent SQL Injection attacks. These malicious attacks happen when a hacker tries to insert harmful SQL code inside an input field on an HTML form. For example, they coudl add SQL code to delete records or even a SELECT statement to retrive all the records in a table. They might do this to destroy data, or to view contents of a table with sensitive information such as logins, email addresses, and password hashes.

You should use a parameterized query whenever any part of your query is replaced with data that comes from an unreliable source (e.g. a user). For example, imagine you had a form that allowed a user to search for records in a table. You would have a form with a search input box. You then might write an SQL query such as:

let sql = "SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE fieldName LIKE %" + searchInput + "%;"

where "searchInput" is the value captured from the search input field on the form. You should NEVER build your SQL queries in this way. What happens if a hacker types into the search field a value like "'';DELETE FROM tableName;" This will cause your sql variable to contain the value:
SELECT * FROM tableName WHERE fieldName LIKE %'';DELETE FROM tableName;%;

The database server will see 3 queries: the first one, which will find all the records in the table, the second one, which will delete all the records from the table, and the last one which would just be invalid. But the first two will actually execute, resulting in the destruction of all the table's records!

Parameterized queries allow you to use placeholders where input values (or other values from unreliable sources) would go. The program will then send the values for those paramters separate from the query, and it will automatically escape any special SQL characters (like the semi-colon, quotes, etc) before the final query is assembled using the parameter values. This prevents SQL Injection attacks.

To use a paramterized query, you use the query() function with 3 arguments:

For example, if you wanted to perform a SELECT query that searched a books table for books with a specific author that were greater than a certain price, you could use this code:

  'SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ? AND price > ?;',
  ['Don Keigh', 100], 
  (error, results, fields) => {
    // process query results

If your query has only one parameter, you can pass the single value for the parameter without using an array:

  'SELECT * FROM `books` WHERE `author` = ?',
  'Don Keigh',
  (error, results, fields) => {
    // process query results

Of course, if your SQL query has no need for parameters, then you can just execute the query normally as shown in the previous section: there's no need for a parameterized query if your query doesn't require any paramters.

Basic Example

Let's create a very basic example that retrieves the records from the Country table of the World database (this database comes with MySQL if you selected to include it during installation) and displays them in a table. Start up a new project (I'm calling mine /basicdb) and add sub-directories for /controllers, /views, and /public/css, along with an app.js file that uses Strict Mode.

In app.js, add the standard basic stuff to create an express application using EJS and handle static files:

"use strict";

const express = require("express"),
    app = express(),
    path = require("path"),
    dbController = require("./controllers/dbController");

app.set("port", process.env.PORT || 3000),
app.set("view engine", "ejs");

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "public")));

app.listen(app.get("port"), () => {
  console.log(`Server running at port ${app.get("port")}`);

Add a CSS file to your /public/css directory. You'll be using this in your view.

Add a view to the /views directory called countries.ejs. Add the minimal HTML, an appropriate <header> and <footer>, and a <main> element. The <main> element will contain a table that displays the name, country code, continent, and region for each country in the country table of the World database, so you can add the code to start your table with four columns:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css">


      <caption>World Countries</caption>


    <address>&copy; 2023 Wendi Jollymore</address>


Now add a dbController.js file to your /controllers directory. Add Stict Mode and import the "mysql" module:

"use strict";
const mysql = require("mysql");

Now we'll create and expose a function that performs a query to select all countries from the World database's Country table and send the results to the countries.ejs view.

"use strict";
const mysql = require("mysql");

exports.getCountries = (req, res) => {


First, let's create a database connection pool, using the guest account you added to your World database (if you haven't done this, go back to the MySQL Installation instructions and add a guest account. You should NEVER use the root/admin account for your web application).

"use strict";
  const mysql = require("mysql");
  const pool = mysql.createPool({
    host: "localhost",
    user: "guest",
    password: "tunafish",
    database: "world",
    connectionLimit: 10
exports.getCountries = (req, res) => {


Notice that we create our connection pool only once when the script loads. In reality, you would put that block of code inside a separate module and then import it into this controller module. But for now this is fine. Also, we don't need to worry about closing/ending the pool with pool.end() - the connection pool will manage the opening and closing of connections for us! The only reason why you would close the pool is if the application were to shut down.

Now we can make a connection and perform our query. Add some code to do this inside the getCountries() function:

pool.query("SELECT * FROM country;", (qError, results, fields) => {
    if (qError) {
        console.log(`query error: ${qError}`);
    } else {
        res.render("countries", { countries: results });

Here we are using pool.query() since we only have one query to execute. This is easier than pool.getConnection, connection.query(), and connection.release(). All of that is handled for us with pool.query().

Once the query successfully executes, we store the query results in a local variable called "countries". This local will be available in the countries.ejs file that will be rendered.

Note that normally you would only use the database controller for the database operations. The page rendering should be done by a different controller. But for that, you need to use sessions to pass the data from the database controller to the rendering controller. I'll post a version of the files for the Sessions version of this program at the end of this section.

Now all that's left is to update the app.js and the countries.ejs. Add the handler to the app.js that routes any GET-requests to "/countries" to our getCountries() function in the dbController:

app.get("/countries", dbController.getCountries);

Now update the countries.ejs. Under the heading row, add the EJS and HTML code to render a row with four cells for each country:

<% countries.forEach((country) => { %>
    <td><%= country.Code %></td>
    <td><%= country.Name %></td>
    <td><%= country.Continent %></td>
    <td><%= country.Region %></td>
<% }) %>

You should now be able to run your program and see it working! Make sure you npm init, then make sure you install all the necessary modules:
npm install express ejs mysql -s
Then you can run the application.

Test it in your browser: localhost:3000/countries

the top part of the very large table displaying the country information
Output from the application

You should see your page with a table of all the country data. Feel free to experiment with different SELECT statements. Perhaps you'd like to sort the data, or display different columns? Or display only countries in a certain region or with a certain characteristic (you can explore the World database in the MySQL Command Line Tool).

If you'd like to see how it works with sessions and the proper controllers, check out the Basic DB Example using Sessions on GitHub.


  1. Add an index.ejs page to the Countries example: it should include a form with a single drop-down list that is populated with only the continents from the Country table. Add a function to the database controller that performs a query to retrieve the continents (SELECT DISTINCT continent FROM country order by continent;) Use the same countries.ejs view for the output. You'll need to add code to the database controller for this: if there is a list of continents, perform a paramterized query that selects only countries for that specific continent. Otherwise, perform the regular query to get all countries.
  2. For a challenge, include the number of records below the table.

Tips: Remember that app.use(), app.get(), and app.post() can take multiple callbacks: they will execute in order as long as you remember to include next/next() where appropriate. Also, remember that the /countries endpoint will execute for both GET and POST requests, so don't make things inefficient: you can just use app.use(), since that will handle any request type. Lastly, remember that when you retrieve the continent records, they're still in an array of rows: each row has only one column, "Continent". So you'll still have to treat it like an array of rows in your EJS, and access each row's "Continent" property.

form with Europe selected
The form for selecting a continent
a table several European countries' data
The output after submitting the form (top part of table)
number of records: 46 below the table
The output after submitting the form (bottom part of table)